Remote tests
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> PassingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testCloneOnDifferentObjects -> [String: fred] and [String: fred] should not be the same object -> Pass at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 128]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testOfResults -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 148]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testTrue -> Expected true, got [Boolean: false] at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 152]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testFalse -> Expected false, got [Boolean: true] at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 156]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testExpectation -> My assert message : My expectation message: Equal expectation fails because [Integer: 25] differs from [Integer: 24] by 1 at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 161]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testNull -> [Boolean: false] should be null -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 165]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testNull -> [NULL] should not be null -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 166]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testType -> Value [Integer: 14] should be type [string] -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 170]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testType -> Value [Integer: 14] should be type [TestOfUnitTestCaseOutput] -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 171]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testType -> Value [Object: of FailingUnitTestCaseOutput] should be type [TestReporter] -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 172]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testTypeEquality -> Not equal expectation fails [String: 0] matches -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 176]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testNullEquality -> Equal expectation fails as [NULL] does not match [Integer: 1] -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 180]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testNullEquality -> Equal expectation fails because [Integer: 1] differs from [NULL] by 1 -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 181]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testIntegerEquality -> Equal expectation fails because [Integer: 1] differs from [Integer: 2] by 1 -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 185]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testStringEquality -> Not equal expectation fails [String: a] matches -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 189]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testStringEquality -> Equal expectation fails at character 1 with [aa] and [ab] -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 190]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testHashEquality -> Equal expectation fails with member [a] at character 0 with [A] and [Z] -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 194]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testWithin -> Outside expectation because [Float: 5.6] differs from [Float: 5.5] by 0.1 -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 198]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testOutside -> Within expectation [Float: 4.5] and [Float: 5.5] -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 202]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testStringIdentity -> Not identical expectation [String: fred] matches -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 208]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testTypeIdentity -> Identical expectation [String: 0] fails with [Integer: 0] with type mismatch as [String: 0] does not match [Integer: 0] -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 214]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testNullIdentity -> Identical expectation [NULL] fails with [Integer: 1] with type mismatch as [NULL] does not match [Integer: 1] -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 218]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testNullIdentity -> Identical expectation [Integer: 1] fails with [NULL] with type mismatch as [Integer: 1] does not match [NULL] -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 219]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testHashIdentity -> Identical expectation [Array: 2 items] fails with [Array: 2 items] as key list [a, b] does not match key list [b, a] -> fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 223]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testObjectEquality -> Not equal expectation fails [Object: of TestDisplayClass] matches -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 227]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testObjectEquality -> Equal expectation fails with member [a] because [Integer: 4] differs from [Integer: 5] by 1 -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 228]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testObjectIndentity -> Not identical expectation [Object: of TestDisplayClass] matches -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 232]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testObjectIndentity -> Identical expectation [Object: of TestDisplayClass] fails with [Object: of TestDisplayClass] with member [a] with type mismatch as [Boolean: false] does not match [Integer: 0] -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 233]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testReference -> [String: fred] and [String: fred] should not be the same object -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 239]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testCloneOnDifferentObjects -> [String: fred] and [String: Hello] should not be the same object -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 246]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testPatterns -> Pattern [/hello/] not detected in [String: Hello there] -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 250]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testPatterns -> Pattern [/hello/i] detected at character [0] in [String: Hello there] as [Hello] in region [Hello there] -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 251]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> FailingUnitTestCaseOutput -> testLongStrings -> Equal expectation fails at character 100 with [01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789] and [0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789a012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678...] at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 259]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> TestOfMockObjectsOutput -> testCallCounts -> Expected call count for [a] was [1] got [2] at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 276]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> TestOfMockObjectsOutput -> testEmptyMatching -> Mock method [a] -> Expected 0 arguments of [] but got 1 arguments of [NULL] at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 290]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> TestOfMockObjectsOutput -> testEmptyMatchingWithCustomMessage -> Mock method [a] -> My expectation message: Expected 0 arguments of [] but got 1 arguments of [NULL] at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 297]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> TestOfMockObjectsOutput -> testNullMatching -> Mock method [a] -> Expected 1 arguments of [NULL] but got 0 arguments of [] at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 304]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> TestOfMockObjectsOutput -> testBooleanMatching -> Mock method [a] -> Parameter expectation differs at parameter 2 with [Identical expectation [Boolean: false] fails with [Boolean: true] as [Boolean: false] does not match [Boolean: true]] at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 311]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> TestOfMockObjectsOutput -> testIntegerMatching -> Mock method [a] -> Parameter expectation differs at parameter 2 with [Identical expectation [Integer: 33] fails with [Integer: 34] because [Integer: 33] differs from [Integer: 34] by 1] at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 318]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> TestOfMockObjectsOutput -> testFloatMatching -> Mock method [a] -> Parameter expectation differs at parameter 2 with [Identical expectation [Float: 3.3] fails with [Float: 3.4] because [Float: 3.3] differs from [Float: 3.4] by 0.1] at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 325]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> TestOfMockObjectsOutput -> testStringMatching -> Mock method [a] -> Parameter expectation differs at parameter 2 with [Identical expectation [String: 33] fails with [String: 34] at character 1 with [33] and [34]] at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 332]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> TestOfMockObjectsOutput -> testEmptyMatchingWithCustomExpectationMessage -> Mock method [a] -> My expectation message: Parameter expectation differs at parameter 1 with [My part expectation message: Equal expectation fails at character 0 with [A] and [B]] at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 342]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> TestOfMockObjectsOutput -> testArrayMatching -> Mock method [a] -> Parameter expectation differs at parameter 2 with [Identical expectation [Array: 1 items] fails with [Array: 1 items] with member [0] with type mismatch as [Integer: 33] does not match [String: 33]] at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 349]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> TestOfMockObjectsOutput -> testObjectMatching -> Mock method [a] -> Parameter expectation differs at parameter 2 with [Identical expectation [Object: of Dummy] fails with [Object: of Dummy] as key list [b] does not match key list [a]] at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 360]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> TestOfMockObjectsOutput -> testBigList -> Mock method [a] -> Parameter expectation differs at parameter 1 with [Identical expectation [Boolean: false] fails with [Boolean: true] as [Boolean: false] does not match [Boolean: true]] and parameter 2 with [Identical expectation [Integer: 0] fails with [Boolean: false] with type mismatch as [Integer: 0] does not match [Boolean: false]] and parameter 3 with [Identical expectation [Integer: 1] fails with [Integer: 2] because [Integer: 1] differs from [Integer: 2] by 1] and parameter 4 with [Identical expectation [Float: 1] fails with [Float: 2] because [Float: 1] differs from [Float: 2] by 1] at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 367]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> TestOfPastBugs -> testMixedTypes -> Identical expectation [Array: 0 items] fails with [NULL] with type mismatch as [Array: 0 items] does not match [NULL] -> Fail at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 377]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> TestOfPastBugs -> testMockWildcards -> Mock method [a] -> Parameter expectation differs at parameter 2 with [Identical expectation [Array: 1 items] fails with [Array: 1 items] with member [0] with type mismatch as [Integer: 33] does not match [String: 33]] at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 382]
acceptance_test.php errors_test.php remote_test.php
adapter_test.php exceptions_test.php shell_test.php
all_tests.php expectation_test.php shell_tester_test.php
arguments_test.php form_test.php simpletest_test.php
authentication_test.php frames_test.php site
autorun_test.php http_test.php socket_test.php
bad_test_suite.php interfaces_test.php support
browser_test.php interfaces_test_php5_1.php tag_test.php
collector_test.php live_test.php test_with_parse_error.php
command_line_test.php mock_objects_test.php unit_tester_test.php
compatibility_test.php page_test.php unit_tests.php
cookies_test.php parse_error_test.php url_test.php
detached_test.php parsing_test.php user_agent_test.php
dumper_test.php php_parser_test.php visual_test.php
eclipse_test.php recorder_test.php web_tester_test.php
encoding_test.php reflection_php5_test.php xml_test.php
[0] => acceptance_test.php
[1] => adapter_test.php
[2] => all_tests.php
[3] => arguments_test.php
[4] => authentication_test.php
[5] => autorun_test.php
[6] => bad_test_suite.php
[7] => browser_test.php
[8] => collector_test.php
[9] => command_line_test.php
[10] => compatibility_test.php
[11] => cookies_test.php
[12] => detached_test.php
[13] => dumper_test.php
[14] => eclipse_test.php
[15] => encoding_test.php
[16] => errors_test.php
[17] => exceptions_test.php
[18] => expectation_test.php
[19] => form_test.php
[20] => frames_test.php
[21] => http_test.php
[22] => interfaces_test.php
[23] => interfaces_test_php5_1.php
[24] => live_test.php
[25] => mock_objects_test.php
[26] => page_test.php
[27] => parse_error_test.php
[28] => parsing_test.php
[29] => php_parser_test.php
[30] => recorder_test.php
[31] => reflection_php5_test.php
[32] => remote_test.php
[33] => shell_test.php
[34] => shell_tester_test.php
[35] => simpletest_test.php
[36] => site
[37] => socket_test.php
[38] => support
[39] => tag_test.php
[40] => test_with_parse_error.php
[41] => unit_tester_test.php
[42] => unit_tests.php
[43] => url_test.php
[44] => user_agent_test.php
[45] => visual_test.php
[46] => web_tester_test.php
[47] => xml_test.php
Skipped: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> Always skipped -> Skipping [TestOfSkippingNoMatterWhat] at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 429]
Skipped: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> Always skipped -> Skipping [TestOfSkippingOrElse] at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 439]
Skipped: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> First reason -> Skipping [TestOfSkippingTwiceOver] at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 449]
Fail: Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions -> TestThatShouldNotBeSkipped -> testFail -> We should see this message at [/var/www/html/lib/simpletest/test/visual_test.php line 465]
6/9 test cases complete:
45 passes, 48 fails and 0 exceptions.