=============================================================================== xajax PHP & Javascript Library The easiest way to develop powerful Ajax applications with PHP Version 0.5 (Beta 4) README Text File September 5, 2007 ------------------------------------------------------ | ** Release Notes: | | See release_notes.txt in this download archive | | | | ** Project Managers: | | Joseph Woolley (joe@calledtoconstruct.net) | | J. Max Wilson (jmaxwilson@users.sourceforge.net) | | | | ** Developers: | | Steffen Konerow (steffen@nrg-media.de) | | Jared White (jared@intuitivefuture.com) | | Eion Robb (eion@bigfoot.com) | ------------------------------------------------------ =============================================================================== :: To find out what's changed since the 0.5 Beta 3 release of xajax, :: :: view the Release Notes in the file listed above. :: =============================================================================== xajax 0.5 is leaps and bounds forward from the last stable release, however, xajax 0.2.5 was released to help bridge the gap. xajax 0.5 has an extensible and flexible plugin interface so both the php and javascript engines can be adapted to fit your needs. With xajax 0.5 beta 3, we've added an HTML control library with built in support for both plain and xajax based javascript and added new features that will give you a development platform to build on for years to come. In this release, we've added the ability to customize debug, warning and error messages, thus allowing for easier development and debugging for non-english speaking programmers. Beta 4 represents a solidification of the xajax php and javascript code, so from this point, the xajax interface will remain mostly unchanged until stable release. We have greatly improved the documentation that is available for the xajax api. In addition, we will continue to work hard to resolve any issues that are discovered in the code, the documentation, wiki and to answer questions in the forum. We published an updated website at http://xajaxproject.com Thanks to Jared and Steffen for putting together a great looking site with a lot of functionality and flexibility! The forums continue to be active and interesting, so be sure to check in from time to time to keep current with all things xajax at http://community.xajaxproject.com and visit sourceforge for posting feature requests, bug fix requests and patches at http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/xajax Thank you for downloading xajax 0.5 beta 4! ____________________________________________________________________ "it's safer, better, faster and even more bright and shiny" - Steffen ____________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction xajax is a PHP library that you can include in your PHP scripts to provide an easy way for Web pages to call PHP functions or object methods using Ajax (Asynchronous Javascript And XML). Simply register one or more functions/methods with the xajax object that return a proper XML response using the supplied response class, add a statement in your HTML header to print the Javascript include, and run a request processor prior to outputting any HTML. Then add some simple Javascript function calls to your HTML, and xajax takes care of the rest! xajax includes a Javascript object to facilitate the communication between the browser and the server, and it can also be used as a Javascript library directly to simplify certain DOM and event manipulations. However, you can definitely choose to use a dedicated Javascript "engine" of your liking and integrate it with xajax's client/server communication features. Since xajax is moving towards a highly modular, plugin-based system, you can alter and extend its behavior in a number of ways. 2. For More Information The official xajax Web site is located at: http://www.xajaxproject.org Visit the xajax Forums at: http://community.xajaxproject.org to keep track of the latest news and participate in the community discussion. There is also a wiki with documentation, tips & tricks, and other information located at: http://wiki.xajaxproject.org 3. Installation To run xajax, you need: * Apache Web Server or IIS for Windows XP/2003 Server (other servers may or may not work and are not supported at this time) * PHP 4.3.x or PHP 5.x * Minimum supported browsers: Internet Explorer 5.5, Firefox 1.0 (or equivalent Gecko-based browser), Safari 1.3, Opera 8.5 (older versions only work with GET requests) To install xajax: Unpack the contents of this archive and copy them to your main Web site folder. Or if you wish, you can put all of the files in a dedicated "xajax" folder on your Web server (make sure that you know what that URL is relative your site pages so you can provide xajax with the correct installed folder URL). Note that the "thewall" folder in the "examples" folder needs to be writable by the Web server for that example to function. Within the main xajax folder there are four folders: "examples", "tests", "xajax_js", and "xajax_core". Only "xajax_js" and "xajax_core" are required to use xajax. You should be able to view the PHP pages in "tests" from your Web browser and see xajax working in action. If you can view the pages but the AJAX calls are not working, there may be something wrong with your server setup or perhaps your browser is not supported or configured correctly. If worst comes to worst, post a message in our forums and someone may be able to help you. 4. Documentation Detailed documentation for the xajax PHP classes is available on our wiki (URL listed above in section 2), and more is on the way (particularly in regards to the Javascript component of xajax). Another good way of learning xajax is to look at the code for the examples and tests. If you need any help, pop in the forums and ask for assistance (and the more specific your questions are, the better the answers will be). 5. Contributing to xajax xajax is released under the BSD open source license. If you wish to contribute to the project or suggest new features, introduce yourself on the forums or you can e-mail the project managers and developers at the addresses listed at the top of this README. 6. Good luck and enjoy! ====================================================================